Harvard Model United Nations is a fourday
international relations simulation for
high school students held annually in
downtown Boston.
At HMUN, delegates gain insight into the
workings of the United Nations and the
dynamics of international relations by
assuming the roles of UN representatives
and members of other international
bodies and national cabinets.
HMUN is an exciting opportunity for
students to debate issues that confront
world leaders and to draft resolutions in
response to these global issues.
Participants will develop their abilities to
work with others who are equally
motivated and passionate about the
topics of debate and to respond to global
Program Inclusions:
1. Harvard MUN
2. O.S. Earth Single World Game
3. University Visits – Harvard and MIT
4. One Day Educational Tour of Boston
5. 2 Days Educational Tour of New York
6. 1 Day Educational Tour of Washington D.C
7. Visit United Nations for a guided educational tour of UN HQ
8. Broadway show & Times Square Photo Opp
9. Visit Metropolitan Art Museum