
Message from The Director

Mr. Nilesh Hada ( The Director)

Education and Values are correlated.

School is a place of education; a place where we educate and are educated; a place where values and knowledge are transmitted; and above all where values and knowledge are constructed. School is a place of culture - that is, a place where a personal and collective culture is developed that influences the social, and values context and, in turn, is influenced by this context in relationship of deep and authentic reciprocity.

School is not as a place of instruction, but a place where, first and foremost, values are transmitted, discussed and constructed. The term education is therefore closely correlated with the concept of values, where “to educate” also means – and in certain respect primarily means – to educate the intrinsic values of each individual and each culture, in order to make these values extrinsic, visible, conscious, and shareable.

And what is value ? A possible definition could be : “Values are the ideals that a person aspires to in his or her life. “ These values act as a point of reference in our judgments and our conduct, and on this basis we conform (or not) our relationship within the social group of reference (community, society, culture). Values define cultures and are one of the foundations on which society is based .
Others may define value as “what makes human being more human.”
Values are relative and correlated with the culture to which they belong; they determine the culture and are determined by it.