
CAS (Creativity,Action and Service)


 CAS is the heart of the  IB Diploma Programme for it not just brings in active and  experiential learning but also adds the dimension of all round education.
This term Grade 12 were busy doing the last bits of CAS so that they can then focus on the other IBDP requirements while the Grade 11 has begun its journey !
1,ManageBac Software
With the advent of ManageBac software, tracking CAS progress and generating CAS progress report is now possible online in a more organized and efficient manner. 
The process is  student centered : 
  • Students build a portfolio of CAS activities.
  • Track progress across the eight learning outcomes.
  • Optionally track activity hours.
  • Add interview notes and evaluate student progress.
  • Online supervisor reviews eliminate paperwork from start to finish.
  • Students add reflections/ journals, photos, videos & files and link them to their targeted learning outcomes. 
  • Create pre-approved activity groups for CAS projects, student clubs, and sports teams.
  • Easily submit CAS records directly to the IB Office.
2. CAS Activities :
In brief, some CAS activities were coordinated through the Study Trip, International Award for Young People (IAYP) programme, MUN, the creativity and sports done in school during free lessons. 
 However, in the service component we have adopted  special fund raising activities such as selling of doughnuts and collection of old jeans drive. The students organized ‘Clean up Juhu Beach’ project to spread awareness to keep public places clean.In keeping with the Diwali spirit UD students conducted a special collection drive of useful commodities to distribute for the tribes staying in  Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Also a new on-going project taken up was adopting a creche located in Mira Road, pictures of which are given in this report. We have identified their needs and have started successful interactions with them in our campus. Then the old project with a nearby village community and the National School for the Blind continues.
   Next semester we intend to work on environmental projects in conjunction with the Science department. We now are also looking forward to having more projects which have all the three elements of Creativity, Action and Service embedded  within it.

CAS {20-10-2011}